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Stacy Burns-Guydish, Ph.D. has over 20 years of experience in transformative biotechnology applications with pathogenic, therapeutic, and industrial relevant microbes. She developed breakthrough technologies for bacterial production of a biochemical resulting in intellectual property and patents, scaled up a strict anaerobic fermentation to 100,000L, and developed bioluminescent sensors for real time in vivo imaging.
Stacy joined List Labs in 2016 and has directed the development and manufacturing of several live biotherapeutic and toxin therapeutic drug products for Phase I and II clinical trials. She served as the VP of Biotherapeutic Development and Manufacturing, contributing to List Labs’ strategic plans and overseeing upstream and downstream process development, scale-up, and cGMP manufacturing of client and List Lab products. Stacy earned her Ph.D. in microbiology and immunology from Baylor College of Medicine and completed her postdoctoral training at Stanford University School of Medicine.