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Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry
Teng, YH;Berger, WT;Nesbitt, NM;Kumar, K;Balius, TE;Rizzo, RC;Tonge, PJ;Ojima, I;Swaminathan, S;
Product: SNAP-25 Recombinant Protein Substrate for C. botulinum Types A and E Neurotoxin
List Labs POSTER - Presented at the 49th Annual Interagency Botulinum Research Coordinating Committee Meeting, September 2012 in Baltimore Maryland
Suryadi, K.; Christian, T.; Shine, N.
Product: Receptor for Clostridium botulinum Type A Neurotoxin, GST-SV2c luminal domain
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List Labs
540 Division Street
Campbell, California
List Biotherapeutics
9800 Crosspoint BIvd Suite 2011
Indianapolis, IN 46256, USA