… Native Toxin B standard purified from C. difficile (ribotype 087) was purchased from List Laboratories (Campbell, CA). …
MultiPath C. difficile toxin B test:
To prepare the assay mixture, stool was diluted to 8% with a mix of stool diluent, 7e8 particles/mL of antibody conjugated magnetic particles, 1.1e7 particles/mL of antibody conjugated fluorescent particles, and the indicated amount of toxin B (diluted in 50mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.8 buffer containing 2mg/mL BSA, 0.05% w/v Tween-20 and 0.05% v/v Proclin-300) or just buffer for blank. …
Limit of detection, limit of blank, dynamic range, and precision profile:
These measurements were performed using the pooled negative stool sample. The limit of detection for the C. difficile MultiPath toxin B assay was determined by running 24 replicates of sample with no analyte and 12 replicates each of 7 toxin B concentrations. …
Testing C. difficile clinical samples:
320 clinical samples were tested as described above using a 3 well assay (test, positive control, and neutralization control for each sample). Each sample examined was tested independently by two operators. For the positive control, assay mixture inclusive of patient sample was spiked with 100pg/mLC. difficile toxin B to detect matrix inhibitory effects. …