May 29, 2023
Brain, Behavior, And Immunity
Product: LIST™ HPT™ from Escherichia coli O113
2.2. General session procedures
We performed all LPS-related procedures as described previously (Jansen et al., 2022). We tested three participants simultaneously in one room at the Medium Care Unit of Radboudumc. Sixty to 90 min before LPS administration, we placed a radial artery catheter and antebrachial venous cannula to allow serial blood sampling, hemodynamic monitoring, and administration of fluids and LPS, respectively and these stayed in during the remaining of the test-day. In the 45 min prior to LPS administration, we administered hydration fluids (2.5% glucose / 0.45% sodium chloride) as a 1.5L prehydration bolus to reduce the risk of vasovagal collapse(van Eijk et al., 2004), and thereafter at a rate of 150 mL/h for the remainder of the experiment. Directly after prehydration, we administered a bodyweight-adjusted bolus dose of 1 ng/kg LPS (E. Coli-derived, Type O113, lot no. 94332B1; List Biological Laboratories) intravenously. Behavioural testing took place at three timepoints: 45 min before injection (S1), 2 h post injection (S2) and 5 h post injection (S3). Timing was based on previous studies showing that sickness symptoms and cytokines peak 1.5–2 h after LPS administration and are largely normalized 5 post-LPS administration (Kox et al., 2015, Leentjens et al., 2012). At S2, participants were able to perform behavioural tasks while cytokine levels and fatigue are still high (Draper et al., 2018). Participants filled out mood questionnaires each hour after LPS administration. Furthermore, we obtained blood samples at various timepoints prior to and following LPS administration (see below). …
• Product #9433 – GMP LPS Lipopolysaccharide List™ Hpt™ From Escherichia Coli Type O113