Materials and Instruments
… Botulinum toxin type A heavy chain (BTX/A/Hc) was obtained from List Biological Laboratories, Inc. (Campbell, CA, USA) under regulations of US Department of Commerce, and BTX/A/Hc was used under the Civil Protection Law in Japan. …
LSPR Detection of Biological Toxins
Using the biological toxins (BTX/C or BTX/A/Hc) and the glycolipid chips functionalized with double layers having different Au nanoparticle sizes (20–80 nm), detection responses were examined by our LSPR method as previously reported. (14,16) The LSPR system is composed of a tungsten halogen lamp as a light source, a portable pump for flowing, an injection valve with a sample loop for 1 mL, a disassemble flow cell (optical length, 0.025 mm) for attachment of the prepared chips, a temperature-control sample compartment with a Peltier-controlled cuvette holder, a spectrometer for detection of absorbance changes and a PC for data analysis. The running buffer used in the experiments was 10 mM HEPES (pH 7.5) containing 150 mM NaCl, filtered with a 0.22 μm filter, and degassed before use through all the LSPR experiments. The LSPR system detects and measures absorbance changes when the analytes (the samples being analyzed) start to bind and dissociate from the chip surfaces. The buffer was run in the LSPR system until the baseline was made stable. Each 1 mL of BTX/C (50 ng/mL) or BTX/A/Hc (5, 25, and 50 ng/mL) was injected for 15 min at a flow rate of 66.6 μL/min. As the negative control, RCA120 (100 ng/mL) was also injected. The temperature was 25 °C. The integration time was 8 ms, and the number of accumulation times was 2000. LSPR responses were monitored at A550 – A720 with time. All LSPR data were analyzed with OOIBase32 software (Ocean Optics, version 2.0).
• Product #612A – Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A Heavy Chain, Recombinant, Binding Domain