
Bacterial Toxin Research Citations

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4973 citations found

High K+ intake alleviates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and increases T regulatory cells

Packialakshmi, B;Hira, S;Feng, Y;Scott, DW;Lees, JR;Zhou, X;

Product: Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer

Tuning instability of non-columnar neurons in the salt-and-pepper whisker map in somatosensory cortex

Wang, HC;LeMessurier, AM;Feldman, DE;

Product: Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A from Clostridium botulinum

  • Botox injection

    Botox (Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A, List Labs #130A) was reconstituted to a stock solution (20 ng/µl) with distilled water containing 1 mg/ml bovine serum albumin. To make injection solution, the stock was diluted with phosphate buffered saline to 10 pg/µl. Mystacial pads were subcutaneously injected with 1 µl of solution via microliter syringe (Hamilton). At first injection, mice stopped whisking within hours, and paralysis from a single injection lasted 7 days with full whisking recovering within 2 weeks. To achieve continuous paralysis across the Botox imaging period, we injected a supplemental 50% dose once per week. We inspected mice daily to confirm the absence of whisking.

MCAM+ brain endothelial cells contribute to neuroinflammation by recruiting pathogenic CD4+ T lymphocytes

Charabati, M;Zandee, S;Fournier, AP;Tastet, O;Thai, K;Zaminpeyma, R;Lécuyer, MA;Bourbonnière, L;Larouche, S;Klement, W;Grasmuck, C;Tea, F;Zierfuss, B;Filali-Mouhim, A;Moumdjian, R;Bouthillier, A;Cayrol, R;Peelen, E;Arbour, N;Larochelle, C;Prat, A;

Product: Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer

  • Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis

    Active EAE experiments were conducted via immunization of 8-12 week old female C57BL/6 mice with MOG35-55 (Alpha Diagnostic), as previously published12,16,19,20 30 but with one 400ng intraperitoneal injection of pertussis toxin (List Labs) on day 2. Passive EAE experiments were performed as per previously described protocols 12,15,19 32 with the following modifications. Active EAE was first induced via immunization with MOG35-55 and one 400ng intraperitoneal injection of pertussis toxin (List Labs) on day two. Splenocytes 2 were isolated from immunized female mice on day 8, cultured in presence of TH1/TH17 3 polarizing conditions, and adoptively transferred into naïve MCAM KO or WT recipient 4 female mice on day 12. The recipient animals received a 200ng intraperitoneal injection of 5 pertussis toxin (List Labs) on day 14.

    Author did not specify which List Labs Pertussis Toxin was utilized. List Labs provides the following Pertussis Toxin products:
    Product #180 – Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer
    Product #181 – Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized (Salt-Free)
    Product #179A – Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis (in Glycerol)

Nociceptor neurons affect cancer immunosurveillance

Balood, M;Ahmadi, M;Eichwald, T;Ahmadi, A;Majdoubi, A;Roversi, K;Roversi, K;Lucido, CT;Restaino, AC;Huang, S;Ji, L;Huang, KC;Semerena, E;Thomas, SC;Trevino, AE;Merrison, H;Parrin, A;Doyle, B;Vermeer, DW;Spanos, WC;Williamson, CS;Seehus, CR;Foster, SL;Dai, H;Shu, CJ;Rangachari, M;Thibodeau, J;V Del Rincon, S;Drapkin, R;Rafei, M;Ghasemlou, N;Vermeer, PD;Woolf, CJ;Talbot, S;

Product: Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A from Clostridium botulinum

  • BoNT/A

    BoNT/A(List Biological Labs, 130B) was injected (25 pg μl−1, i.d., five neighbouring sites injected with 20 µl) into the skin three days and one day before tumour inoculation (defined as prophylactic). BoNT/A (25 pg μl−1; i.d., five neighbouring sites injected with 20 µl) was injected around the tumour one day and three days after the tumour reached a volume of around 200 mm3 (defined as therapeutic) in other groups of C57BL/6J mice.

    Product #130 – Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A from Clostridium botulinum

CCL20/CCR6 chemokine signaling is not essential for pathogenesis in an experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mouse model of multiple sclerosis

Sachi, N;Kamiyama, N;Saechue, B;Ozaka, S;Dewayani, A;Ariki, S;Chalalai, T;Soga, Y;Fukuda, C;Kagoshima, Y;Ekronarongchai, S;Kobayashi, T;

Product: Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer

Transcriptional licensing is required for Pyrin inflammasome activation in human macrophages and bypassed by mutations causing familial Mediterranean fever

Mangan, MSJ;Gorki, F;Krause, K;Heinz, A;Pankow, A;Ebert, T;Jahn, D;Hiller, K;Hornung, V;Maurer, M;Schmidt, FI;Gerhard, R;Latz, E;

Product: Anthrax Protective Antigen (PA), Recombinant from B. anthracis

Host Cell Transcriptional Tuning with CRISPR/dCas9 to Mitigate the Effects of Toxin Exposure

Metzger, D;Miller, K;Lyon, W;Migliozzi, R;Pangburn, HA;Saldanha, R;

Product: Anthrax Lethal Factor (LF), Recombinant from B. anthracis

IgE-Binding and Immunostimulating Properties of Enzymatic Crosslinked Milk Proteins as Influenced by Food Matrix and Digestibility

Benedé, S;Martínez-Blanco, M;López-Fandiño, R;Molina, E;

Product: Cholera Toxin (AZIDE-FREE) from Vibrio cholerae

  • 2.4. Bone Marrow Derived Mast Cells

    Bone marrow-derived mast cells (BM-MCs) were in vitro differentiated into a mucosal-like phenotype as described previously [13]. Briefly, bone marrow cells were collected from femurs and cultured in DMEM with glucose and L-glutamine, supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, penicillin/streptomycin, and sodium pyruvate (Biowest, Nuaillé, France), plus stem cell factor, IL-3, IL-9 and TGF-β (Peprotech, Rocky Hill, NJ, USA), for a minimum of 4 weeks and a maximum of 8 weeks before being used. For activation through cross-linking of the IgE receptor, MCs (1 × 106 cells) were sensitized with serum from BALB/c mice orally sensitized with 5 mg of SM, CN, and WP plus 10 μg of cholera toxin (List Biologicals, Campbell, CA, USA) [14]. After washing, MCs were activated with samples in HEPES degranulation buffer. To study the activation through an IgE independent pathway, non-sensitized MCs were also stimulated with samples. β-hexosaminidase was detected by an enzymatic colorimetric assay [15]. The percentage of β-hexosaminidase release was calculated considering the total β-hexosaminidase content.

    Product #100B – Cholera Toxin (AZIDE-FREE) from Vibrio cholerae

Infant Antibody Repertoires during the First Two Years of Influenza Vaccination

Kuraoka, M;Curtis, NC;Watanabe, A;Tanno, H;Shin, S;Ye, K;Macdonald, E;Lavidor, O;Kong, S;Von Holle, T;Windsor, I;Ippolito, GC;Georgiou, G;Walter, EB;Kelsoe, G;Harrison, SC;Moody, MA;Bajic, G;Lee, J;

Product: Tetanus Toxin from Clostridium tetani

  • Multiplex bead assay.

    The specificities and avidities of clonal IgG antibodies in culture supernatants were determined in a multiplex bead assay (Luminex Corp.) as described previously (18, 36), with modifications. … Antigens and controls included BSA, … tetanus toxoid from Clostridium tetani (List Biological Laboratories), …

    Product #191 – Tetanus Toxoid from Clostridium tetani

The ZFP36 family of RNA binding proteins regulates homeostatic and autoreactive T cell responses

Cook, ME;Bradstreet, TR;Webber, AM;Kim, J;Santeford, A;Harris, KM;Murphy, MK;Tran, J;Abdalla, NM;Schwarzkopf, EA;Greco, SC;Halabi, CM;Apte, RS;Blackshear, PJ;Edelson, BT;

Product: Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer