
4973 total record number 1 records this year

Ablation of Newly Generated Hippocampal Granule Cells Has Disease-Modifying Effects in Epilepsy

Hosford, BE;Liska, JP;Danzer, SC;

Hippocampal granule cells generated in the weeks before and after an epileptogenic brain injury can integrate abnormally into the dentate gyrus, potentially mediating temporal lobe epileptogenesis. Previous studies have demonstrated that inhibiting granule cell production before an epileptogenic brain insult can mitigate epileptogenesis. Here, we extend upon these findings by ablating newly generated cells after the epileptogenic insult using a conditional, inducible diphtheria-toxin receptor expression strategy in mice. Diphtheria-toxin receptor expression was induced among granule cells born up to 5 weeks before pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus and these cells were then eliminated beginning 3 d after the epileptogenic injury. This treatment produced a 50% reduction in seizure frequency, but also a 20% increase in seizure duration, when the animals were examined 2 months later. These findings provide the first proof-of-concept data demonstrating that granule cell ablation therapy applied at a clinically relevant time point after injury can have disease-modifying effects in epilepsy.