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An amygdalo-parabrachial pathway regulates pain perception and chronic pain

Raver, C;Uddin, O;Ji, Y;Li, Y;Cramer, N;Jenne, C;

The parabrachial (PB) complex mediates both ascending nociceptive signaling and descending pain modulatory information in the affective/emotional pain pathway. We have recently reported that chronic pain is associated with amplified activity of PB neurons in a rat model of neuropathic pain. Here we demonstrate that similar activity amplification occurs in mice, and that this is related to suppressed inhibition to PB neurons from the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA). Animals with pain after chronic constriction injury of the infraorbital nerve (CCI-Pain) displayed higher spontaneous and evoked activity in PB neurons, and a dramatic increase in after-dischargesresponses that far outlast the stimuluscompared to controls. PB neurons in CCI-Pain animals showed a reduction in inhibitory, GABAergic inputs. We show thatin both rats and micePB contains few GABAergic neurons, and that most of its GABAergic inputs arise from CeA. These CeA GABA neurons express dynorphin, somatostatin and/or corticotropin releasing hormone. We find that the efficacy of this CeA-LPB pathway is suppressed in chronic pain. Further, optogenetically stimulating this pathway suppresses acute pain, and inhibiting it, in nave animals, evokes pain behaviors. These findings demonstrate that the CeA-LPB pathway is critically involved in pain regulation, and in the pathogenesis of chronic pain.