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Curcumin Inhibits Ovalbumin-Induced Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Expression

Kim, JS;Ahn, HJ;Shin, H;Gu, G;Eum, SH;Lee, CH;Min, IS;Youn, H;

Egg allergy has been reported as the most prevalent food hypersensitivity among children. One of the major egg allergens is ovalbumin (OVA). OVA is the major protein in the egg white, comprising 54% of its total protein content. Curcumin isolated from Curcuma longa has been used as folk remedies in order to treat many chronic diseases for many years. In the present report, we present biochemical evidence that curcumin inhibits the NF- activation induced by OVA. Curcumin also inhibits OVA-induced iNOS expression and nitrite production. These data suggest new approaches for the development of efficient anti-allergic strategies.