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Differential targeting of IL-2 and T cell receptor signaling pathways selectively expands regulatory T cells while inhibiting conventional Tcells

Satake, A;Schmidt, AM;Archambault, A;Leichner, TM;Wu, GF;Kambayashi, T;

Strategies to expand regulatory T cells hold therapeutic potential for ameliorating T cell-mediated autoimmunity. Recently, we reported that the requirements for T cell receptor signaling in conventional T cell and regulatory T cell proliferation are different. Using mutant mice that display defective T cell receptor-mediated phospholipase C (PLC) activation, we hereby demonstrate that PLC activation is required for antigen-specific conventional T cell proliferation but not for IL-2-induced regulatory T cell proliferation. This led us to hypothesize that in conjunction with IL-2, pharmacological inhibition of T cell receptor-mediated PLC activation might offer a novel therapeutic strategy to expand regulatory T cells while simultaneously inhibiting conventional T cell proliferation. Indeed, using the calcineurin inhibitor Cyclosporine A to inhibit signaling downstream of PLC, we found that Cyclosporine A attenuated antigen-specific Tconv proliferation but permitted IL-2-induced regulatory T cell expansion in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, the combination of Cyclosporine A and IL-2 was superior over either Cyclosporine A or IL-2 monotherapy in protection against the T cell-mediated demyelinating autoimmune disease mouse model, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Thus, a combination of TCR signaling inhibition and IL-2 might be a beneficial strategy in expanding regulatory T cells and inhibiting conventional T cell proliferation in autoimmune settings.