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Genomic associations with antibody response to an oral cholera vaccine

Roy, VL;Majumder, PP;

Oral cholera vaccine is one of the key interventions used in our fight to end the longest pandemic of our time, cholera. The immune response conferred by the currently available cholera vaccines, as measured by serum antibody levels, is variable amongst its recipients. We undertook a genome wide association study (GWAS) on antibody response to the cholera vaccine; globally, the first GWAS on cholera vaccine response. We identified three clusters of bi-allelic SNPs, in high within-cluster linkage disequilibrium that were moderately (p < 5 × 10−6) associated with antibody response to the cholera vaccine and mapped to chromosomal regions 4p14, 4p16.1 and 6q23.3. Intronic SNPs of TBC1D1 comprised the cluster on 4p14, intronic SNPs of TBC1D14 comprised that on 4p16.1 and SNPs upstream of TNFAIP3 formed the cluster on 6q23.3. SNPs within and around these clusters have been implicated in immune cell function and immunological aspects of autoimmune or infectious diseases (e.g., diseases caused by Helicobacter pylori and malarial parasite). 6q23.3 is a prominent region harbouring many loci associated with immune related diseases, including multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus, as well as IL2 and INFα response to a smallpox vaccine. The gene clusters identified in this study play roles in vesicle-mediated pathway, autophagy and NF-κB signaling. No significant effect of O blood group on antibody response to the cholera vaccine was observed in this study.

  • PubMed ID: 37699782