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Neonatal injury evokes persistent deficits in dynorphin inhibitory circuits within the adult mouse superficial dorsal horn

Brewer, CL;Li, J;O'Conor, K;Serafin, EK;Baccei, ML;

Neonatal tissue damage induces long-term deficits in inhibitory synaptic transmission within the spinal superficial dorsal horn (SDH) that include a reduction in primary afferent-evoked, feedforward inhibition onto adult projection neurons. However, the subpopulations of mature GABAergic interneurons which are compromised by early life injury have yet to be identified. The present research illuminates the persistent effects of neonatal surgical injury on the function of inhibitory SDH interneurons derived from the prodynorphin (DYN) lineage, a population which synapses directly onto lamina I spinoparabrachial neurons and is known to suppress mechanical pain and itch in adults. The results demonstrate that hindpaw incision at postnatal day (P) 3 significantly decreased the strength of primary afferent-evoked glutamatergic drive onto DYN neurons within the adult mouse SDH, while increasing the appearance of afferent-evoked inhibition onto the same population. Neonatal injury also dampened the intrinsic membrane excitability of mature DYN neurons, and reduced their action potential discharge in response to sensory input, compared to nave littermate controls. Furthermore, P3 incision decreased the efficacy of inhibitory DYN synapses onto adult spinoparabrachial neurons, which reflected a prolonged reduction in the probability of GABA release. Collectively, the data suggest that early life tissue damage may persistently constrain the ability of spinal DYN interneurons to limit ascending nociceptive transmission to the adult brain. This is predicted to contribute to the loss of feedforward inhibition onto mature projection neurons, and the ‘priming’ of nociceptive circuits in the developing spinal cord, following injuries during the neonatal period.Significance Statement:Neonatal injury has lasting effects on pain processing in the adult CNS, including a reduction in feedforward inhibition onto ascending projection neurons in the spinal dorsal horn. While it is clear that spinal GABAergic interneurons are comprised of multiple subpopulations that play distinct roles in somatosensation, the identity of those interneurons which are compromised by tissue damage during early life remains unknown. Here we document persistent deficits in spinal inhibitory circuits involving dynorphin-lineage (DYN) interneurons previously implicated in gating mechanical pain and itch. Notably, neonatal injury reduced the strength of DYN inhibitory synapses onto mature lamina I spinoparabrachial neurons, a major output of the spinal nociceptive network, which could contribute to the priming of pain pathways by early tissue damage. Copyright 2020 Brewer et al.