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Biorxiv : The Preprint Server For Biology
Yao, M;Nagamori, A;Azim, E;Sharpee, T;Goulding, M;Golomb, D;Gatto, G;
Rhythmic motor behaviors are generated by neural networks termed central pattern generators (CPGs). Although locomotor CPGs have been extensively characterized, it remains unknown how the neuronal populations composing them interact to generate adaptive rhythms. We explored the non-linear cooperation dynamics among the three main populations of ipsilaterally projecting spinal CPG neurons – V1, V2a, V2b neurons – in scratch reflex rhythmogenesis. Ablation of all three neuronal subtypes reduced the oscillation frequency. Activation of excitatory V2a neurons enhanced the oscillation frequency, while activating inhibitory V1 neurons caused atonia. These findings required the development of a novel neuromechanical model that consists of flexor and extensor modules coupled via inhibition, in which rhythm in each module is generated by self-bursting excitatory populations and accelerated by intra-module inhibition. Inter-module inhibition coordinates the phases of flexor and extensor activity and slows the oscillations, while facilitation mechanisms in excitatory neurons explain the V2a activation-driven increase in frequency.