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Transient receptor potential vanilloid 3 (TRPV3) in the ventral tegmental area of rat: Role in modulation of the mesolimbic-dopamine reward pathway

Singh, U;Kumar, S;Shelkar, GP;Yadav, M;Kokare, DM;Goswami, C;Lechan, RM;Singru, PS;

While dopamine (DA) neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) drive the mesolimbic-reward pathway, confluent lines of evidence underscore the importance of transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV) channels as novel regulators of these neurons. Among the TRPV-subfamily, TRPV3 is of particular interest in reward, since active ingredients of flavour-enhancing spices in food serve as TRPV3 agonists and modulate DAergic neurotransmission. The nature of TRPV3 elements in the VTA and their role in driving the mesolimbic-DA-reward pathway has however, remained unexplored. We observed TRPV3 mRNA as well as TRPV3-immunoreactive neurons in the VTA of Wistar rats. We therefore explored whether these ion channels participate in modulating mesolimbic-DA reward pathway. In the posterior VTA (pVTA), 82  2.6% of the TRPV3 neurons co-express tyrosine hydroxylase and 68  5.5% of these neurons project to the nucleus accumbens shell (Acb shell). While ex vivo treatment of midbrain slices with TRPV3-agonist, thymol increased [Ca(2+)]i-activity in pVTA neurons, intra-pVTA injections of thymol in freely-moving, satiated rats enhanced positive reinforcement for active lever pressings in an operant chamber to self-administer sweet pellets. This behavior was attenuated by prior treatment with intra-Acb shell DA D1- and D2-like receptor antagonists. These results demonstrate a role for TRPV3 in driving mesolimbic-DA food-reward pathway, and underscores the importance of these channels in the VTA as key components processing reward.