
5002 total record number 30 records this year

Tyzzerella nexilis strains enriched in mobile genetic elements are involved in progressive multiple sclerosis

Takewaki, D;Kiguchi, Y;Masuoka, H;Manu, MS;Raveney, BJE;Narushima, S;Kurokawa, R;Ogata, Y;Kimura, Y;Sato, N;Ozawa, Y;Yagishita, S;Araki, T;Miyake, S;Sato, W;Suda, W;Yamamura, T;

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune-demyelinating disease with an inflammatory pathology formed by self-reactive lymphocytes with activated glial cells. Progressive MS, characterized by resistance to medications, significantly differs from the non-progressive form in gut microbiome profiles. After confirming an increased abundance of “Tyzzerella nexilis” in various cohorts of progressive MS, we identified a distinct cluster of T. nexilis strains enriched in progressive MS based on long-read metagenomics. The distinct T. nexilis cluster is characterized by a large number of mobile genetic elements (MGEs) and a lack of defense systems against MGEs. Microbial genes for sulfate reduction and flagella formation with pathogenic implications are specific to this cluster. Moreover, these flagellar genes are encoded on MGEs. Mono-colonization with MGE-enriched T. nexilis made germ-free mice more susceptible to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. These results indicate that the progression of MS may be promoted by MGE-enriched T. nexilis with potentially pathogenic properties.