
Bacterial Toxin Research Citations

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4973 citations found

Product: Toxin A from Clostridium difficile

  • Toxin A inhibition assays:

    Vero cells (CCL-81; ATCC, Manassas, VA) were maintained in complete media (MEM+antibiotic/antimycotic+10% FBS) in T-75 flasks at 37C, 5% CO2. For TcdA inhibition assays, sterile 96-well tissue culture plates (Thermo-Fisher, Ottawa, ON, Canada) were seeded with ~2104 cells/well in a total volume of 200L of complete media. Plates were incubated for 24h at 37C, 5% CO2. Media was then carefully removed from each well and replaced with 200L of fresh media, 20L of antibody (serially diluted in sterile PBS, giving final in-well concentrations ranging from 1M to 1.95nM) and 10L of TcdA (List Biological Laboratories; final in-well concentration of 10ng/mL corresponding to 32.5pM) for all wells. …

Neutralization of cholera toxin with nanoparticle decoys for treatment of cholera

Das, S;Angsantikul, P;Le, C;Bao, D;Miyamoto, Y;Gao, W;Zhang, L;Eckmann, L;

Product: Cholera Toxin (AZIDE-FREE) from Vibrio cholerae

  • Cell culture studies:

    For toxin neutralization, we mixed different concentrations of CT (List Biological Laboratories, Campbell, CA) and nanoparticles, incubated for 1 h, and added the mixture to the cell monolayers. After 2 h, supernatants were collected and assayed for cAMP by enzyme immunoassay (Cyclic AMP ELISA Kit, Cayman Chemical Co., Ann Arbor, MI). All cAMP measurements were done without additional acetylation. …

    Product #100B – Cholera Toxin (AZIDE-FREE) from Vibrio cholerae

GM1 ganglioside-independent intoxication by Cholera toxin

Cervin, J;Wands, AM;Casselbrant, A;Wu, H;Krishnamurthy, S;Cvjetkovic, A;Estelius, J;Dedic, B;Sethi, A;Wallom, KL;Riise, R;Bckstrm, M;Wallenius, V;Platt, FM;Lebens, M;Teneberg, S;Fndriks, L;Kohler, JJ;Yrlid, U;

Product: Cholera Toxin (AZIDE-FREE) from Vibrio cholerae

Product: Anti-Cholera Toxin B Subunit (Goat)

  • Immunofluorescence analysis:

    … Consequently, sections were incubated with the following primary antibodies at 4C for 24 h: polyclonal rat anti-Cav3.1, anti-Cav3.2, (1:200 dilution; Alomone Labs, Jerusalem, Israel), Goat anti-CTB (cat. no. 703; List Biological Laboratories, Campbell, CA, USA), …

An investigation of the pH dependence of copper-substituted anthrax lethal factor and its mechanistic implications

Young, CJ;Richard, K;Beruar, A;Lo, SY;Siemann, S;

Product: MAPKKide® Peptide Substrate (o-Abz/Dnp) for Anthrax Lethal Factor

SATB1 is required for the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis to maintain T cell receptor responsiveness

Akiba, Y;Kuwabara, T;Mukozu, T;Mikami, T;Kondo, M;

Product: Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer

The in vitro detection of botulinum neurotoxin-cleaved endogenous VAMP is epitope-dependent

Gray, B;Cadd, V;Elliott, M;Beard, M;

Product: Botulinum Neurotoxin Type B, Nicked, from Clostridium botulinum

  • Rat cortical neurons at DIV18-21 were treated with a concentration range of … BoNT/B (List Laboratories Inc., US) in triplicate wells for 24 h at 37°C. …

Product: Anti-Cholera Toxin B Subunit (Goat)

  • Sagittal sections were processed for immunohistochemical staining with primary antibodies against human nuclei (HuNA, 1:200, Chemicon) to identify for transplanted hGRP, GFAP (1:1000, Chemicon) for astrocytes, GFP (1:1000, Millipore) for ReST, serotonin (5-HT, 1:20,000 Immuostar) for descending raphespinal tract, anti-dopamine beta hydroxylase (DH, 1:1000, Chemicon) for descending coeruleospinal tract, anti-cholera toxin B subunit (CTB, 1:2000, List Biological Laboratories, Inc) for ascending sensory axons.

Product: Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer

Variations in diet cause alterations in microbiota and metabolites that follow changes in disease severity in a multiple sclerosis model

Libbey, JE;Sanchez, JM;Doty, DJ;Sim, JT;Cusick, MF;Cox, JE;Fischer, KF;Round, JL;Fujinami, RS;

Product: Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer