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October 1, 2014
Nature Medicine
Mayo, L;Trauger, SA;Blain, M;Nadeau, M;Patel, B;Alvarez, JI;Mascanfroni, ID;Yeste, A;Kiviskk, P;Kallas, K;Ellezam, B;Bakshi, R;Prat, A;Antel, JP;Weiner, HL;Quintana, FJ;
Product: Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer
EAE induction and treatments:
EAE was induced by immunization of female mice with MOG3555 peptide emulsified in CFA (Difco Laboratories) at a dose of 100 µg (C57BL/6 and F1 mice) or 150 µg (NOD mice) per mouse, followed by the administration of pertussis toxin (150 ng per mouse; List biological laboratories, Inc.) on days 0 and 2 as described.
Author did not specify which List Labs Pertussis Toxin was utilized. List Labs provides the following Pertussis Toxin products:
• Product #180 – Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer
• Product #181 – Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized (Salt-Free)
• Product #179A – Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis (in Glycerol)
October 1, 2014
EMBO Molecular Medicine
Glitzner, E;Korosec, A;Brunner, PM;Drobits, B;Amberg, N;Schonthaler, HB;Kopp, T;Wagner, EF;Stingl, G;Holcmann, M;Sibilia, M;
Product: Diphtheria Toxin, Unnicked, from Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Cell Deletion:
Deletion of Jun and JunB was verified by PCR. Similarly, 300 ng of Diphtheria toxin (DT, List Biological Laboratories, in PBS) was injected intraperitoneally into experimental mice according to the schemes indicated in the figures. For LC depletion, DT was applied every third day, and for pDC depletion, every other day.
October 1, 2014
The Journal of Comparative Neurology
Khalil, R;Levitt, JB;
Product: Cholera Toxin B Subunit (Choleragenoid) from Vibrio cholerae in Low Salt
Anatomical tracer injections:
…Cholera toxin B subunit (CTb: List Biological Laboratories, Campbell CA, Cat# 104) was reconstituted in 0.1M potassium phosphate buffer (1%, pH 6.0), and either pressure injected or delivered with current into primary visual cortex. …
Tissue fixation and histological processing:
…The sections were rinsed in PBS, then incubated for 48 hours in a solution containing a 1:5,000 dilution of anti-choleragenoid (primary antibody, List Biological Laboratories, Campbell CA, Cat# 703, RRID: AB_10013220), 2% NRS, 2.5% BSA, and 1% Triton-X. …
• Product #104 – Cholera Toxin B Subunit (Choleragenoid) from Vibrio cholerae in Low Salt
• Product #703 – Anti-Cholera Toxin B Subunit (Goat)
September 29, 2014
Garman, L;Vineyard, AJ;Crowe, SR;Harley, JB;Spooner, CE;Collins, LC;Nelson, MR;Engler, RJ;James, JA;
Product: Anthrax Protective Antigen (PA), Recombinant from B. anthracis
Anthrax protective antigen and hepatitis B surface antigen ELISAs:
Ninety-six-well microtiter plates (Corning, Lowell, MA) were coated with 1 g/well of recombinant PA (List Biological Laboratories, Campbell, CA) …
September 25, 2014
Brain Research
Cavalcante, JC;Bittencourt, JC;Elias, CF;
Product: Anti-Cholera Toxin B Subunit (Goat)
Retrograde tracer injection and histology:
Rats were anesthetized with a subcutaneous injection of a solution containing ketamine (5 mg/100 g), xylazine (1 mg/100 g), and acepromazine (0.2 mg/100 g) and received a stereotaxic injection of CTb (1%; List Biological Laboratories, Campbell, CA, USA) into the PMV (n=32 males and n=30 females). The CTb was injected iontophoretically from a glass micropipette (1020 m of tip internal diameter) by applying a +5 A current pulsed at 7-s intervals over 1012 min. …
One series from each animal was submitted to a standard immunoperoxidase reaction. Sections were pretreated with hydrogen peroxide and blocked in 2% normal donkey serum (Jackson Laboratories, West Grove, PA, USA) and 0.3% Triton X-100 (Sigma). The sections were then incubated with antisera against CTb (raised in goat, 1:50,000; List Biological Laboratories, Campbell, CA, USA) overnight at room temperature. The CTb antisera have been validated before …
Author did not specify which CTB was utilized. List Labs provides Product #103B (Cholera Toxin B Subunit (Choleragenoid) from Vibrio cholerae) and Product #104 (Cholera Toxin B Subunit (Choleragenoid) from Vibrio cholerae in Low Salt).
September 25, 2014
Methods In Molecular Biology
Hsu, DK;Yang, RY;Saegusa, J;Liu, FT;
Product: Unspecified List Labs LPS
… E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LIST Biologicals). …
Author did not specify which List Labs LPS product was utilized in their research. List Labs provides the following LPS products:
September 25, 2014
Gao, Z;Nissen, JC;Ji, K;Tsirka, SE;
Product: Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer
EAE induction and evaluation
EAE was actively induced by subcutaneous injection of MOG35-55 peptide (MEVGWYRSPFSRVVHLYRNGK) as previously described [17], [22]. Briefly, 8–10 week-old female wild-type mice were anesthetized with intra-peritoneal injection of atropine (0.6 mg/kg body weight) and 2.5% avertin (0.02 ml/g body weight). 300 µg MOG was emulsified in complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA, DIFCO) supplemented with 500 µg of heat-inactivated Mycobacterium tuberculosis (DIFCO) and injected into the mouse hind-flank on day 0. On day 7, mice were boosted with injection of 300 µg of MOG into the other flank. 500 ng pertussis toxin (List Biologicals) was injected intra-peritoneally on day 0 and 2.
Author did not specify which List Labs Pertussis Toxin was utilized. List Labs provides the following Pertussis Toxin products:
• Product #180 – Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer
• Product #181 – Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized (Salt-Free)
• Product #179A – Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis (in Glycerol)
September 23, 2014
Beermann, S;Vauth, M;Hein, R;Seifert, R;Neumann, D;
Product: Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer
…and pertussis-toxin from List Biological Laboratories (Campbell, CA, USA). …
Pertussis toxin inhibits mH4R- but not mH1R-mediated effects:
Experiments with pertussis toxin (PTX), which selectively inhibits Gi-protein activation by GPCRs [41], [42], were performed. HEK293 mH1R and HEK293 mH4R cells were incubated with or without PTX for 18 h and then the [Ca2+]i and the forskolin-induced cAMP concentrations were evaluated after stimulation with HA. …
Author did not specify which List Labs Pertussis Toxin was utilized. List Labs provides the following Pertussis Toxin products:
• Product #180 – Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer
• Product #181 – Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized (Salt-Free)
• Product #179A – Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis (in Glycerol)
September 19, 2014
Lew, WY;Bayna, E;Dalle Molle, E;Contu, R;Condorelli, G;Tang, T;
Product: LPS from Escherichia coli O55:B5
Experimental Protocols:
All methods have been described recently. [8] In brief, studies were performed in male C57Bl/6 mice weighing 2530 g (Charles River Laboratories). Mice were injected i.p. with LPS (Escherichia coli 055, LPS no. B5, List Biological Laboratories, Campbell, CA) at a dose of 10 mg/kg (volume diluted with saline in 0.5 ml) once a week for 14 weeks. Mice were injected with 0.5 ml of saline as a control. Mice were monitored daily…
NOTE: At the time this paper was written, Product #203 (5mg – LPS from Escherichia coli O55:B5) was utilized.
Product #203 (5 mg – LPS from Escherichia coli O55:B5) is no longer sold.
Product #203A (2.5 mg – LPS from Escherichia coli O55:B5) is available for purchase.
September 19, 2014
The Journal Of Biological Chemistry
Bhattacharya, A;Parillon, X;Zeng, S;Han, S;Eissa, NT;
Product: Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer
EAE Induction and in Vivo Treatments:
EAE was induced as described (16) with minor modifications. Eight to twelve-week-old mice were actively immunized with 100 µl of 1 mg/ml MOG(3555) peptide… At immunization and 48 h later, all mice received 500 ng of pertussis toxin (List Biological Laboratories) intraperitoneally.
Author did not specify which List Labs Pertussis Toxin was utilized. List Labs provides the following Pertussis Toxin products:
• Product #180 – Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer
• Product #181 – Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized (Salt-Free)
• Product #179A – Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis (in Glycerol)