June 29, 2012
Brain Research
Product: Botulinum Neurotoxin Type B, Nicked, from Clostridium botulinum
Drug Delivery:
All drugs were made in sterile double distilled water (ddH20) containing 1% DMSO (100x) unless otherwise noted. Vehicle conditions are cells that were supplied with ddH20 and DMSO to a final amount of 0.01% per 3ml of media. After 24 h of transfection, media was removed from cells and replaced with the indicated drug for the length of 48 h unless otherwise noted. In the case of time-course experiments, agonists, modulators and/or secondary drugs (botulinum toxin b) were added for varying durations such that all time-based groups were harvested at the end of the 48 h drug incubation period. This procedure ensured that all groups had equivalent time for protein synthesis and that tissue for immumocytochemistry could be processed in parallel. Final concentrations were as follows: GABA (1 and 10 M), gaboxadol (10 M), -alanine (10 M, 50 M and 1 mM), THP (100 nM) and botulimum toxin B (5 nM). All drugs except for THP (Steraloids, Newport, RI) and botulinum toxin b (List Biological Laboratories, Inc., Campbell, CA) …