
Bacterial Toxin Research Citations

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5002 citations found

Compromised axon initial segment integrity in EAE is preceded by microglial reactivity and contact

Clark, KC;Josephson, A;Benusa, SD;Hartley, RK;Baer, M;Thummala, S;Joslyn, M;Sword, BA;Elford, H;Oh, U;Dilsizoglu-Senol, A;Lubetzki, C;Davenne, M;DeVries, GH;Dupree, JL;

Product: Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer

IL-10-dependent Tr1 cells attenuate astrocyte activation and ameliorate chronic central nervous system inflammation

Mayo, L;Cunha, AP;Madi, A;Beynon, V;Yang, Z;Alvarez, JI;Prat, A;Sobel, RA;Kobzik, L;Lassmann, H;Quintana, FJ;Weiner, HL;

Product: Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer

Psychosine-triggered endomitosis is modulated by membrane sphingolipids through regulation of phosphoinositide 4,5-bisphosphate production at the cleavage furrow

Watanabe, H;Okahara, K;Naito-Matsui, Y;Abe, M;Go, S;Inokuchi, J;Okazaki, T;Kobayashi, T;Kozutsumi, Y;Oka, S;Takematsu, H;

Product: Cholera Toxin B Subunit Biotin Conjugate

Product: Cholera Toxin B Subunit (Choleragenoid) from Vibrio cholerae in Low Salt

VPAC1 receptor (Vipr1)-deficient mice exhibit ameliorated experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, with specific deficits in the effector stage

Abad, C;Jayaram, B;Becquet, L;Wang, Y;O'Dorisio, MS;Waschek, JA;Tan, YV;

Product: Pertussis Toxin from B. pertussis, Lyophilized in Buffer

Gut Inflammation in Mice Triggers Proliferation and Function of Mucosal Foxp3+ Regulatory T Cells but Impairs Their Conversion from CD4+ T Cells

Boschetti, G;Kanjarawi, R;Bardel, E;Collardeau-Frachon, S;Duclaux-Loras, R;Moro-Sibilot, L;Almeras, T;Flouri, B;Nancey, S;Kaiserlian, D;

Product: Diphtheria Toxin, Unnicked, from Corynebacterium diphtheriae

Novel Innate Immune Genes Regulating the Macrophage Response to Gram Positive Bacteria

Alper, S;Warg, LA;De Arras, L;Flatley, BR;Davidson, EJ;Adams, J;Smith, K;Wohlford-Lenane, CL;McCray, PB;Pedersen, BS;Schwartz, DA;Yang, IV;

Product: Unspecified List Labs LPS

  • RNA interference in RAW264.7 cells:

    … Transfections were carried out in 96-well format using 200,000 cells/well and 2 m siRNA. Thirty-six hours after siRNA transfection, LTA was added to a final concentration of 2.5 g/ml LTA. Supernatant was collected 5 hr post-LTA treatment, and cytokine production was assayed using DuoSet ELISA kits (R&D Systems). In experiments monitoring the response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) instead of LTA, LPS was added at a final concentration of 20 ng/ml (LPS from List Biological Laboratories, Campbell, CA).

    Author did not specify which List Labs LPS product was utilized in their research.  List Labs provides the following LPS products:

WISP1-v3 integrin signaling positively regulates TLR-triggered inflammation response in sepsis induced lung injury

Chen, Z;Ding, X;Jin, S;Pitt, B;Zhang, L;Billiar, T;Li, Q;

Product: LPS from Escherichia coli O55:B5

  • Cell culture:

    … On the next day, the adherent macrophages were incubated in serum-free medium RPMI1640 at 37C for 2h and then stimulated with LPS (List Biological Laboratories, Escherichia coli 055:B5), …

    NOTE:  At the time this paper was written, Product #203 (5mg – LPS from Escherichia coli O55:B5) was utilized.

    Product #203 (5 mg – LPS from Escherichia coli O55:B5) is no longer sold.

    Product #203A (2.5 mg – LPS from Escherichia coli O55:B5) is available for purchase.

Combination with -secretase inhibitor prolongs treatment efficacy of BRAF inhibitor in BRAF-mutated melanoma cells

Zhu, G;Yi, X;Haferkamp, S;Hesbacher, S;Li, C;Goebeler, M;Gao, T;Houben, R;Schrama, D;

Product: Cholera Toxin (AZIDE-FREE) from Vibrio cholerae

Biochip for the Detection of Bacillus anthracis Lethal Factor and Therapeutic Agents against Anthrax Toxins

Silin, V;Kasianowicz, JJ;Michelman-Ribeiro, A;Panchal, RG;Bavari, S;Robertson, JW;

Product: Anthrax Protective Antigen, Activated (PA 63) from B. anthracis