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April 14, 2022
By: List Labs
Anthrax toxin can enter living cells and the toxin enzymes, Lethal Factor (LF), and Edema Factor (EF) make known changes. Because of this activity, anthrax toxins are valuable tools to investigate cell processes. Some of the work currently accomplished with these toxins can be described by the following selected references: Work with anthrax toxins is […]
December 10, 2018
By: List Labs
A fast, sensitive, specific and accurate detection method to determine active infection Dr. Nancy Shine (408) 874-1305 NShine@ListLabs.com [Campbell, CA, 11/29/2018] • Method to detect Anthrax before it’s deadly • Anthrax is a problem for livestock • Test method is both specific and sensitive for Anthrax • List Labs is looking to partner on this […]
June 22, 2018
By: douano@listlabs.com
By: Rachel Berlin, Marketing Manager Microbiome research is uncovering the enormous potential for developing drugs, such a live biotherapeutic products, from the microbiome. This burgeoning field is the future of medicine. List Labs is excited and proud to support microbiome research by providing reagents to scientists studying the human microbiome. Below is a list of microbiome […]
February 20, 2018
By: douano@listlabs.com
By: Nancy Shine, PhD, Director of R&D, List Labs A fast, sensitive, specific and accurate detection method to determine active infection by Bacillus anthracis in plasma has been developed at List Biological Laboratories. Bacillus anthracis is regarded as a major biological warfare threat. The inhalation form of Bacillus anthracis infection can kill quickly. While antibiotic […]
January 23, 2018
By: douano@listlabs.com
By: Rachel Berlin, Marketing Manager List Labs is proud to be exhibiting at ASM Biothreats February 12-14th. The conference will be held in Baltimore, Maryland at the Hilton Hotel. Thought leaders in academia, industry and government will gather to present and discuss the latest developments in the emerging field of biothreats. This year’s conference has […]
September 11, 2017
By: douano@listlabs.com
Over 20 Scientific Posters Available on our website Scientific posters are a great way to visually display complex scientific issues. List Labs has a large list of scientific posters published on our website under the specific products they pertain to. We have been getting a lot of requests lately to compile a list of all […]
July 12, 2016
By: douano@listlabs.com
By: Nancy Shine, Ph.D., Director of Research & Development List Biological Laboratories, Inc. has designed a fluorescently labeled substrate for specific and quantitative detection of anthrax lethal factor in plasma. Bacillus anthracis is regarded as a major biological warfare threat. The inhalation form of Bacillus anthracis infection can kill quickly. While antibiotic treatment can clear […]
January 26, 2015
By: List Labs
By: Suzanne Canada, Ph.D. Tanager Medical Writing An exciting report was released in October about a new class of targeted anti-tumor drugs, in which genetically engineered stem cells were used to deliver cytotoxins to brain tumors.1 Brain cancers known as glioblastomas (GBM) are notoriously difficult to treat because the tumors often re-grow after surgery and because […]
January 5, 2015
By: List Labs
By: Suzanne Canada, Ph.D. Tanager Medical Writing Three anthrax toxin components—Protective antigen (PA), edema factor (EF) and lethal factor (LF) are available for research purposes from LIST Biological Laboratories, separately at a high level of purification. At least two out of three of these components are necessary to enter a mammalian cell and exert […]
October 21, 2014
By: List Labs
By: Suzanne Canada, Ph.D. Tanager Medical Writing Vaccines have been used to help control diseases for more than 200 years and are the common practice for children and adults. Childhood vaccination has substantially reduced the morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases in much of the developed world, and influenza vaccinations have reduced the impact […]
April 28, 2014
By: dpinkston@listlabs.com
What Are Toxin Neutralization Assays & How Do They Work? For clinical detection or vaccine testing, it is hard to beat a toxin neutralization assay. Toxin neutralization assays (TNA) assess the ability of antibodies to protect cells in culture from the cytotoxic affect of the specific toxins. Interestingly, these assays may be used for sensitive […]
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List Labs
540 Division Street
Campbell, California
List Biotherapeutics
9800 Crosspoint BIvd Suite 2011
Indianapolis, IN 46256, USA