1 Tetanus toxin, TeNT, is a potent neurotoxin that is taken up by presynaptic terminals at peripheral nerves, that travels retrogradely within motor neurons and moves trans-synaptically to interneurons within the spinal cord. At the inhibitory neurons, tetanus toxin cleaves VAMP-2, inhibiting neurotransmitter release. Tetanus toxin inhibits neurotransmitter release with great potency and selectivity, cleaving a bond in vesicle-associated membrane protein-2 (VAMP-2) or synaptobrevin-2, thereby preventing the fusion of synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic membrane. The result of this activity is to eliminate modulation by inhibitory neurons, allowing opposing muscles to enter state of unopposed muscle tension.
Tetanus toxoid stimulates in many animals an immune response so that it is used as a vaccine to produce immunity to tetanus, the disease caused by
Clostridium tetani. Additionally, tetanus toxoid functions as a carrier of conjugated polysaccharides in the development of vaccines against encapsulated bacterial pathogens.
Tetanus toxin is a large 150 kDa protein which is activated in culture by the cleavage to a 50 kDa light chain and 100 kDa heavy chain. Two parts of the native toxin are held together by a reducible disulfide bond. I both structure and activity tetanus toxin is similar to botulinum toxins; however, tetanus toxin is uniquely transported from the periphery neurons to the CNS where it acts on, disabling inhibitory interneurons.
Tetanus toxin C-fragment consists of the C-terminal portion of the heavy chain of tetanus toxin. Although it is non-toxic, it retains the binding and internalization properties associated with intact tetanus toxin. List Labs produces C-fragment, Product
#193, from enzyme digested
Clostridium tetani toxin.
List provides Tetanus Toxin, Tetanus Toxoid and two forms of Tetanus toxin C-fragment. VAMPtide® (Product
#540), a substrate which can be used by tetanus, is also in the List Labs catalog.
Tetanus Toxin
Purified tetanus toxin is formaldehyde treated to form toxoid. Starting with purified tetanus toxin, this toxoid does not contain crosslinked culture components or other contaminates characteristic of toxoid derived from culture filtrates. This is a purified product, suitable for dialysis into a reaction buffer and conjugation of antigens for antibody production. Toxoid is tested for purity, toxicity, immunoprecipitation and endotoxin contamination.
- Product #190Tetanus Toxin
Tetanus Toxin Substrate
List Labs has designed a substrate available as VAMPtide®, Product
#540 which mimics the native target for tetanus toxin, VAMP or synaptobrevin. Toxin is tested in an endopeptidase assay using this substrate and both assay conditions and results are presented in the C of A.
- Product #540 VAMPtide® Peptide Substrate (o-Abz/Dnp)
Tetanus Toxoid
Purified tetanus toxin is formaldehyde treated to form toxoid.
Starting with purified tetanus toxin, this toxoid does not contain crosslinked culture components or other contaminates characteristic of toxoid derived from culture filtrates. This is a purified product, suitable for dialysis into a reaction buffer and conjugation of antigens for antibody production. Toxoid is tested for purity, toxicity, immunoprecipitation and endotoxin contamination.
- Product #191 Tetanus Toxoid
C-Fragment of Tetanus Toxin
Tetanus toxin C-fragment is manufactured by enzyme digestion of native tetanus toxin produced in
Clostridium tetani cultures. This peptide comprises the binding portion of tetanus toxin and is considered non-toxic. However, it must be handled with care since even a minor contamination with the native whole toxin is toxic. Each lot of C-fragment is tested for binding activity to G
T1b ganglioside.
C-fragment is a valuable research reagent since it will bind to and travel retrogradely along neurons to the CNS. It can be used to label neurons and has potential use as a drug carrier. C-Fragment is sold as a pure substance as well as with FITC attached.
- Product #193 is C-Fragment of tetanus toxin, and
- Product #196 is C-Fragment with conjugated FITC