Escherichia coli O111 B4-derived LPS was obtained from List Biological Laboratories, Inc. (Campbell, CA, USA).
Northern blot analysis and Cox2 mRNA inhibition:
The procedure employed was similar to that reported previously (14). Briefly, 106 cells were placed in Falcon 5-cm-diameter dishes (Becton Dickinson Labware, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA) and pre-treated for 30 min with each of the phenol-related compounds at a concentration of 106 M, 105 M or 104 M. They were then incubated in the presence or absence of LPS (100 ng/ml), and their total RNA was prepared 3 h later by the acid guanidine-phenol-chloroform procedure (15). … Statistical analyses were performed using Students t-test. Inhibition of LPS-stimulated Cox2mRNA expression byp-cresol, p-cresol dimer, pHA, pHA dimer and BHA in RAW264.7 cells was carried out as follows: The cells were pretreated for 30 min with or without addition of 105Mp-cresol, pHA,p-cresol dimer, pHA dimer or BHA, and then incubated with or without LPS at 100 ng/ml for 3 h. Total RNA was prepared and Cox2 mRNA expression was confirmed by northern blot analysis.
Preparation of nuclear extract and microwell colorimetric Nfb assay:
Nuclei were extracted and prepared for the microwell colorimetric Nfb assay. In brief, the cells in 5-cm-diameter Falcon dishes (106cells per dish) were pretreated for 30 min with or without the indicated doses of the compounds, and then treated with LPS at 100 ng/ml for 1 h. …Inhibition of LPS-stimulated Nf-b activation byp-cresol,p-cresol dimer, pHA, pHA dimer or BHA in RAW264.7 cells was carried out as follows: The cells were pretreated for 30 min with or without addition of 105 M p-cresol, pHA, p-cresol dimer, pHA dimer or BHA, and then incubated with or without the LPS at 100 ng/ml for 1 h. Nuclear extracts were prepared and used in a TransAM (Active Motif) ELISA-like assay to quantify the Nfb p50, p52, p65 and RelB DNA-binding activity. …